Our pricing plans provide the necessary features and resources to support
your event continued expansion and success
Completely free
Host free events
Access to all the tools you need
commission per ticket
Just 6% per ticket sold
No hidden cost
Custom event pages
Faster payouts
commission per ticket
Beautifully designed pages to showcase your event
Get your earnings fast and securely
Track sales, attendance, and engagement as it happens
Easily download and manage all your event details, attendee lists, and sales data
Promote your event with built-in email, social media and SEO tools
We’re here 24/7 to help you every step of the way
We've got you covered with additional services
Contact us if you need these services or have special requests. We're here to make your event an unforgettable success
Contact us if you need these services or have special requests. We're here to make your event an unforgettable success
Host with confidence Whether it's a free or
paid event and let us handle the details